Firebringer (GR Players)
March 15, 2024 @ 7:00 pm
| PRESALE: $20 Senior/Adult | $10 Student DOOR PRICE: $25 Senior/Adult | $15 StudentFIREBRINGER
Originally produced by StarKid Productions
Music and Lyrics by Meredith Stepien & Mark Swiderski
Book by Nick Lang, Matt Lang, & Brian Holden
Arranged by Clark Baxtresser & Pierce Siebers
What is Firebringer?
Firebringer is a two-act musical-comedy from StarKid Productions featuring 18 songs that is fast-moving and tightly-scripted with energetic, percussion-based music. The show combines campy humor, heart-warming sensitivity, and a fantastic modern message to create a sensational two-hour(ish) show that will leave audiences talking.
Is this just going to be a recreation of the original?
No, this won’t be a copy-paste of the original. The original show featured a cast of 11 plus Clark, our production will have a cast of 15. Additionally, the cast will be expected to put on two different versions of the show. Friday and Saturday performances will be using the original script and the Sunday matinee will feature a family-friendly school edit. The set, costumes, props, and puppets will be unique as well.
This play contains explicit language and adult content. Viewer discretion is advised. Consider viewing the Sunday matinee for the less-explicit version.