April 2024
The musical tells the story of a young man named Joseph living in the land of Canaan. His father’s favorite son, Joseph is a little spoiled. While the rest of his brothers are forced to wear sheepskin, he struts around in a fabulous rainbow-colored coat, a gift from his father. When his brothers have enough, they kidnap him, destroy his cherished coat and sell him into slavery. Joseph uses his dream-reading ability to talk with a Pharoah who appoints him Minister of Agriculture.
The musical tells the story of a young man named Joseph living in the land of Canaan. His father’s favorite son, Joseph is a little spoiled. While the rest of his brothers are forced to wear sheepskin, he struts around in a fabulous rainbow-colored coat, a gift from his father. When his brothers have enough, they kidnap him, destroy his cherished coat and sell him into slavery. Joseph uses his dream-reading ability to talk with a Pharoah who appoints him Minister of Agriculture.
The musical tells the story of a young man named Joseph living in the land of Canaan. His father’s favorite son, Joseph is a little spoiled. While the rest of his brothers are forced to wear sheepskin, he struts around in a fabulous rainbow-colored coat, a gift from his father. When his brothers have enough, they kidnap him, destroy his cherished coat and sell him into slavery. Joseph uses his dream-reading ability to talk with a Pharoah who appoints him Minister of Agriculture.