What Are Your Summer Plans?

Reif Theater Arts workshops are designed to create a hands-on theater experience. Students will enjoy making new friends as they build performance skills and learn self-confidence and teamwork. There is no better place for kids to experience theater than in Reif Theater Arts’ positive and encouraging atmosphere – and everyone gets the opportunity to perform on stage!

Snow White and the Seven Dorks

Charmington High School is the alma mater of every famous royal for generations and the halls are buzzing with excitement for the upcoming Crystal Ball. Lilith Raena, the meanest girl in school, has sabotaged poor Snow White who is at risk of failing all of her classes and being excluded from the festivities. She must turn to the seven smartest kids in school to get her out of her predicament. This hilarious tale of adolescent angst, unexpected friendships, and poetic justice will have you rolling with laughter and rooting for the little guy. Join us this summer and help bring this enchanting tale to life on the Reif stage.

This three-week theater workshop will take students through the entire production process from auditions to casting to three performances on the main stage of the Reif. Everyone gets a part!

July 21-August 10 | M-F 9:00AM-12:00PM

Performances: August 8 & 9 at 6:00pm and August 10 at 2:00pm

Instructor: Katie E. Smith

Location: Reif Center, Grand Rapids

Fee: $165.00 (Early Bird Registration $150 before June 20)

To register, visit www.reifcenter.org to download forms and audition information. Questions? Email Katie at ksmith@reifcenter.org or call (218)327-5780.

AUDITION Information


To register, please click the link below. This will redirect you to our registration site. If you have an active Reif account (dance, theater, music), please login with your credentials. If not, please create an account to proceed.

Register for Snow White and the Seven Dorks


Questions? Please email Katie at ksmith@reifcenter.org or call (218)327-5780